Do you have a short story, novel, screenplay, or other source material that you want to see come alive as a stage play or immersive experience? Instructor Jonathan Josephson has been doing just that, and helping writers and producers do the same, since 2009. In this workshop, learn the core elements that make for a strong adaptation, how to decide "what stays and what goes," and determine what length and format of stage experience (traditional play? musical? immersive, site-specific Halloween spectacular?) is best for your vision.
Jonathan Josephson is one the founders of Unbound Productions, a theatre company dedicated to adapting timeless stories into unmissable theatrical events. Unbound's Wicked Lit (represented by Stage Rights/Broadway Licensing), Mystery Lit, and History Lit have welcomed 30,000 patrons to site-specific venues across Southern California winning numerous awards from 2009-2019. Subsequent productions of Unbound plays have been produced throughout the US as well as Canada, Germany, India, and Cameroon. Jonathan's adaptations of source material ranging from Shakespeare's plays to baseball biographies have won awards from festivals ranging from Short+Sweet Dublin to the Inge Festival, and have been produced all over the world. More than 50 of Jonathan's original plays and adaptations have been produced including productions at Actors Theatre of Louisville (Humana Festival), Milwaukee Rep (RepLab), San Jose Rep (SJREAL), and Chance Theater. jonathanjosephson.com
$17 for members, $30 for non-members. Closer to the date, registrants will be sent an email with Zoom instructions from programs@playcafe.org. This email might land in a spam folder. Members, write to programs@playcafe.org to request the discount code.